Monday, December 2, 2013

Is the web getting smarter?

Will your next internet browser learn your interests and be somewhat of a personal assistant to you?  Taking into account your current location, your previous likes and a complex sentence you enter, your browser may be able to personalize your search results.  Interpreting the context of your request is on the horizon with browser technology.  TiVO and Pandora are currently providing individualized content based on user input on a very limited scale, Web 3.0 looks to take this technology and apply it to the entire web.  Planning a vacation could become much less time consuming once this technology matures.  No more spending hours to locate a good deal on a destination, flight, and hotel, 3.0 technology will gather and analyze the data for you based on the parameters you state.  Experts disagree on how this new technology will be implemented, however, it is certain that it is forthcoming.  The inventor of the World Wide Web, Tim Berners-Lee, describes this potential reality as the Semantic Web.  Utilizing software agents, web crawlers would find metadata that is relative to your search.  Metadata is invisible to the human eye, but easily identified by the computer.  The problem with this future is this code would require more complex writing and would take more time to complete.  Please refer to, “How Web 3.0 Will Work” for more in depth exploration of this topic. (

We will continue to receive a better user experience as this technology matures.  The ever-evolving internet environment will continue to change how individuals interact and how businesses market themselves.  Interactive marketing may be the next wave of business growth opportunity.  Resource Description Framework (RDF) and Web Ontology Language (OWL) are semantic technologies that will help computers recognize relationships and provide relevant results to user queries.  The whitepaper, “Web 3.0: Its Promise and Implications for Consumers and Business” published by Verizon enterprise provides an in depth exploration of this topic.  (